There it is.  My first poached egg.
Oozing its deliciously rich yolk all over my warm, buttered toast.

With your encouragement, I decided to get back on the horse and try my hand at eggs again.
They are one of those things that everyone should be able to make.  My inner perfectionist cannot let a task like eggs get beyond me.
How can I ever entertain at brunchtime if I don’t know how to cook eggs?

With some credible scrambled eggs prepared earlier this week, I decided to go full throttle on the last little egg in my fridge.  Poaching.
One egg equals one try equals just go for it.
Following the excellent step-by-step instructions of the Smitten Kitchen, I successfully poached that little egg.
And then I ate it.
And it was delicious.

Before I return to the omelette, I think I may try poaching TWO eggs at once.  That’s a much bigger horse.
New boots may be required.