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The internet is a great source for all things foodie, and we’re constantly bookmarking, starring, and emailing intriguing recipes, food porn, and inspiration. Here’s a selection of clippings we think are worth checking out.

I had some fantastic raspberries with vanilla ice cream the other night (’tis the season). Going one step further in this ingenious mix of sour cream and a bruleed top seems like one in the right direction.

You could keep stepping and try this raspberry swamp pie, which would ask you to make pie crust.

Za’atar za’atar everywhere! Sugar and I both seem to be attracted to it right now.  Here’s a recipe that uses it on pizza.

I bookmarked this salted caramel cheesecake ages ago and still haven’t made it. I think it’s time for you now to consider it.

What to bring to the barbecue this weekend? Maybe this crushed new potato and pea salad?