Those shoes should require no introduction. Photo courtesy of justfauzee.blogspot.com
Our cultural foodie moment means that there are heaps of food-related news stories, info pieces and commentaries that appear on a daily basis. Here are our favourites of the week.
I understand that substitutions to the nth degree can cause issues in the kitchen. But salad dressing on the side cannot be done? Really?! (In my best Seth Meyers voice.) Even if this story about Gjelina in L.A. didn’t involve Gordon Ramsay and Victoria Beckham, I’d still find it absurd.
More confirmation that Donald Trump is a dork: he takes the top off his pizza? (And he thinks Sarah Palin is terrific.)
I shudder to think what avocados from Subway will taste like.
It doesn’t take long to think of many gauche things you could do to make your server hate you, but here’s a start.
As per Nigella, baking can be considered a feminist act.
Jeremy says:
Jun 9, 2011
It could be that baking can be a feminist act but I don’t think that article makes the case for it. Obviously, giving what has been known as “women’s work” an equal place is a good thing, but where is the line between “reclaiming” and “perpetuating?” Here I’m reminded of the old Onion article “Women Now Empowered By Everything A Woman Does.”
cream says:
Jun 15, 2011
Maybe not… but it’s got us talking. That’s the most important thing in my opinion! 🙂