Solo Suppers Beyond Cereal: Faux pho ga
Chicken leftovers #2. Few things warm you up the way a bowl of chicken noodle soup does on a winter’s night. So, with leftover chicken, time and a craving for the sense of being in hot, sticky Ho Chi Minh City (instead of cold, clammy Vancouver) on my side, pho ga it would be. Yes,...
I smell Saigon in my salad.
It’s been just about a year since my trip to Vietnam. With friends there, I think of it often. And fondly. I haven’t tried any more Vietnamese recipes since moving to Vancouver, but I haven’t much tried any recipes, really. Vancouver’s dining options make it so easy for me not to cook. Especially when so...
More Banh, Please
Vietnam still holds me. I miss the food, I miss the weather, I miss the people, I miss the noise, I miss the energy. So when an opportunity arises for me to somehow connect back to it, I grab on. At the last book club meeting I hosted, we were discussing a book that took...
The Universal Pleasure of Noodles
It’s a small world after all when you take a moment to think about how common certain culinary elements are across the globe. The Marco Polo did-he-or-didn’t-he specifics are not very important to me; I just find it interesting to note how perogies are similar to ravioli, the variations on a theme in Central American...
Across the Ocean for a Salad
For those of you who know me, I apologize that since vacationing in Vietnam, the only post I’ve done about it concerns fruit. Amazing fruit, mind you, but fruit nonetheless. Every time I think about doing a post, I start to miss being there. And as Edmonton’s winter still seems to be leaving its trace,...
Fairweather Fairy Dust
Tropical heat is a magic ingredient. Temperature, humidity, and sunshine combine to form a fairy dust that touches flowering vegetation in regions of the world lucky enough to hover on central latitudes. I left a world of standard apple-banana-orange colours to fall head over heels in one full of rich hues, aromatic flavours, and addictive...
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