Packing List: Istanbul
The list that details how we will pack our tummies while adventuring away from home can be as essential as the one that reminds us to pack our toothbrush. Here are some post-mortem thoughts on our travels that may be useful to you one day. If you’ve been keeping up this week with my posts on...

The Delights Beyond Turkish Delight
It should come as no surprise to some of you, that dessert was also a highlight of my day while in Turkey. I always have room. And of course, because it’s vacation, I had extra room. Growing up with Big Turk as a chocolate bar reality, Turkish Delight, or lokum, never held much appeal,...

Breaking the Fast in Turkey
I’ve been back from Turkey almost two weeks now and I’m still in vacation withdrawal. I miss walking down unfamiliar streets, having my daily soundtrack be an unknown language and every face being someone completely new. My stomach is also in withdrawal, especially as my vacation eating is usually double the caloric value of...
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