Solo in the City: Keste Pizza & Vino
Yes, another category. We likes to keep it interesting here at Cream and Sugar. I probably should have created this category, Solo in the City, years ago to describe my travel dining. But we have other ways to describe our travel dining. So yeah, a new addition to describe a very underrated mode of...

A first week in New York City
My first week in New York City was a steady diet of riding the train, scouring Craigslist, and viewing apartments. In between, I ate and went to museums. Just like I was on vacation. Don’t tell my wallet. And although I’m here now, living in New York, my hunger and excitement wanted me to eat...

Packing List: Vancouver
The list that details how we will pack our tummies while adventuring away from home can be as essential as the one that reminds us to pack our toothbrush. Here are some post-mortem thoughts on our travels that may be useful to you one day. I’m not sure if I can be called a New Yorker...

The Jim Lahey No-Knead Revolution
This is another party that I’m way late for: no-knead bread (and see below: no-knead pizza dough). But I’ve arrived now, and I’m double fisting drinks and dancing on the table until the rooster crows. I get why everyone was talking about it now. It’s easy! It’s good! It makes you feel like a...

Clippings: August 4, 2011
The internet is a great source for all things foodie, and we’re constantly bookmarking, starring, and emailing intriguing recipes, food porn, and inspiration. Here’s a selection of clippings we think are worth checking out. I had some fantastic raspberries with vanilla ice cream the other night (’tis the season). Going one step further in...

Today’s Special: April 27, 2011
Today’s Special: Margherita Pizza from Nicli Antica Pizzeria Vancouver is going crazy for this pizza. I am going crazy for this pizza. I don’t care if there are two-hour waits. One bite of the perfectly chewy and charred crust gilded with (in this case) creamy mozzarella, fragrant basil, fresh tomato sauce and rich olive...

Basic Pizza Dough
Making pizza at home is always a “yes, but” affair. Your cheese could be the best, your sauce divine and your toppings thoughtfully chosen, but it will always score less than 100. Yes it was good, but it wasn’t the best. Why not? Because of your oven. Regardless of whether you have invested in...

Today’s Special: April 10th, 2011
Today’s Special: Mario’s Special at Tony’s Pizza Palace Quite simply my favourite pizza in the city. Perfect thin crust. Prosciutto. Capicollo. Artichokes. Capers. Houdini-esque disappearing act.
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