A first week in New York City
My first week in New York City was a steady diet of riding the train, scouring Craigslist, and viewing apartments. In between, I ate and went to museums. Just like I was on vacation. Don’t tell my wallet. And although I’m here now, living in New York, my hunger and excitement wanted me to eat...
Solo Suppers Beyond Cereal: Cherry-vanilla pancakes with lemon butter
I have a slight cherry obsession right now. But really, don’t we all? I’ve never met someone who doesn’t get a little crazy when they’re in season; buying and eating them by the bag on an almost daily basis. I’m extra lucky that Vancouver is much closer to the land of the beautiful yellow-pink Rainier...
Sweet and Salty Pajama Sundays
Few things are better than Sunday morning breakfasts. Its allowance for salty, sweet, and everything in between, is delightful. It can only be made better when the only thing between the bed and the eating is a little kitchen magic. So in pajamas until far too late, I love to concoct morning (well, really early...
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