No. 7 Sub. Or, when working in close quarters can be a good thing.
Cubicle life is not something you can really avoid anymore. Before I was ever a full-time employee, I thought that the world depicted in The Office, Dilbert, and Office Space was hyperbole of the mundane. Not so much. It really is the most peculiar thing to be surrounded by people you cannot see, but of course, can clearly...
Sweet and Salty Pajama Sundays
Few things are better than Sunday morning breakfasts. Its allowance for salty, sweet, and everything in between, is delightful. It can only be made better when the only thing between the bed and the eating is a little kitchen magic. So in pajamas until far too late, I love to concoct morning (well, really early...
Simply Salty…
Sometimes the most delicious meals are the simplest, and in the spirit of simply tasty, I present the ham bun in all it’s glory. I will admit that my first reaction the proposition “Do you want to come over for ham buns?” was not one of excitement and anticipation, but I would soon have my...
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