Going gluten free: Quinoa in the cake
The first Celiacs I ever met went bun-less at McDonald’s well before Dr. Atkins made it de rigueur. I was too young at the time to give much thought to what might happen if said Celiacs ate a cookie or a piece of birthday cake. Fast forward 15 years to my high school bestie being...
Magic Mascarpone
You can’t really get any better than an Easter brunch of pancakes, bacon, sausages, sweet and savoury versions of French toast, frittata, tea, lattes, and champagne cocktails. Oh wait, you can if that brunch is homemade. Check. And you can if that brunch is made by Sugar. Check. When your plate looks like the...
Fairweather Fairy Dust
Tropical heat is a magic ingredient. Temperature, humidity, and sunshine combine to form a fairy dust that touches flowering vegetation in regions of the world lucky enough to hover on central latitudes. I left a world of standard apple-banana-orange colours to fall head over heels in one full of rich hues, aromatic flavours, and addictive...
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