Huevos Rancheros
Easter brunch has become a tradition at our house. Gone are the days of the giant turkey dinner and ham feast. We favour getting the eating out of the way first thing, then stuffing ourselves with chocolate treats for the rest of the day. While my family would be disappointed if I took the stuffed...
Cream’s Cursed Eggs: A little redemption
There it is. My first poached egg. Oozing its deliciously rich yolk all over my warm, buttered toast. With your encouragement, I decided to get back on the horse and try my hand at eggs again. They are one of those things that everyone should be able to make. My inner perfectionist cannot let a...
Cream’s Cursed Eggs
I don’t remember liking eggs as a little girl, but I’m told that I did. Since that moment of forgetting, I’ve spent much of the time not liking them. You don’t like broccoli? I don’t like eggs. Just one of those things. It wasn’t until I was in my mid-20s that I decided to give...
Frittata Slumber Parties
For as long as I can remember, I have always planned my travel around the delectable indulgences that await…..even when travel means walking down the block. As a young girl, my best friend lived up the street, and we would plan our slumber parties with promises of what our parents would cook for dinner. Her...
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