Big Gay Ice Cream Shop
A place that specializes in extraordinary soft-serve ice cream concoctions? Sign me up. The magic words were “soft serve.” Although “big gay” is pretty enticing as well. I may have acquired some high brow and expensive tastes over the years, but I’ll never forget where I cam from: a home that was walking distance from...
Birthday Sugar!
It would seem that I am predisposed to enjoying high maintenance birthday treats. Never a connoisseur of yucky whipped Safeway cake frosting, DQ ice cream cakes, or store bought cakes with my name scrawled across the top in pink letters, I was ruined at a young age. My first birthday cake was a labour of...
More Banh, Please
Vietnam still holds me. I miss the food, I miss the weather, I miss the people, I miss the noise, I miss the energy. So when an opportunity arises for me to somehow connect back to it, I grab on. At the last book club meeting I hosted, we were discussing a book that took...
South Asian Snow
I tend to shy away from Indian desserts. For someone who usually awaits the dessert menu with bated breath, this shyness is uncharacteristic. It’s just that I find Indian desserts too intensely sweet for me. I want to love the sticky sweetness of jalebi or the doughnut-like galub jamun, but I have not yet acquired the...
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