Today’s Special: March 21, 2013
Today’s Special: Pea, burrata, and mint crostini, Gjelina, Los Angeles Like everyone else and their brother, I’m really ready for spring to arrive. I know that March is never an enjoyable month (spring forward, winter’s strong grip, the Ides), but this March seems particularly awful. Perhaps it’s because this year is the first time I’ve...

Prosciutto, burrata, and peach sandwich: The time I patted myself on the back
“I am my own worst critic” is my understatement of the century. In my opinion, I can do everything worse than you. I never have a good word to speak of myself, and when one is spoken of me, I usually have a trick up my sleeve for convincing you that you’re wrong. Three-plus decades...

No. 7 Sub. Or, when working in close quarters can be a good thing.
Cubicle life is not something you can really avoid anymore. Before I was ever a full-time employee, I thought that the world depicted in The Office, Dilbert, and Office Space was hyperbole of the mundane. Not so much. It really is the most peculiar thing to be surrounded by people you cannot see, but of course, can clearly...

Grilled Cheese and Squash Sandwich
It’s already February. It’s already February, and I haven’t written one post about the cooking I did over the Christmas holidays. If January went by this fast, it’s sure to be Easter in no time. And then summer. And then Thanksgiving. And then Christmas again. If this is aging, I don’t mind so much because...

Clippings: September 1, 2011
The internet is a great source for all things foodie, and we’re constantly bookmarking, starring, and emailing intriguing recipes, food porn, and inspiration. Here’s a selection of clippings we think are worth checking out. Waking up to these lemon raspberry rolls on a sunny Sunday morning would not be too shabby. I know we’ve...

Clippings: July 21, 2011
The internet is a great source for all things foodie, and we’re constantly bookmarking, starring, and emailing intriguing recipes, food porn, and inspiration. Here’s a selection of clippings we think are worth checking out. Here’s a recipe for baking sheet macaroni and cheese. The type of dish you make and savour… and then ask whomever...

Pupusas and Curtido
This might be my proudest cooking moment to date. It’s right up there with making bagels. I. made. pupusas. I’m proud not because they were terribly difficult, but because I accomplished what I thought was impossible; I replicated a meal I’ve gone out for countless times, craved countless times, and thought would only ever come...

Solo Suppers Beyond Cereal: Baked squash pasta
Another solo dinner dealing with kitchen dregs. Waste not, want not, right? Solo dining on a budget is almost always trying to not overlook what you have despite continually thinking that you don’t have enough to make something delicious. Pasta is a staple, as is chicken broth, and bringing up the rear are frozen...

Baked Tomato Pasta
Pasta pasta pasta. It probably shows up in my posts as often as Mark Bittman. You know I love it. And it’s so easy. And with barely any effort, you can pull off something that’s worthy of guests. This is one of those recipes. And and and, you can spend time with your guests...

Ricotta Gnocchi
Another Mark Bittman post. What can I say? I’m a big fan. (How many times have I said this before?) I could easily turn the Cream part of this blog into a Rhianna & Mark journey a la Julie & Julia, but if you follow along, you know that I do use recipes from...

Today’s Special: April 1, 2011
Today’s Special: Pecorino versus Parmigiano Do you have a preference for one or the other for grating on your pasta? While my heart belonged for a long time to parmigiano, I’ve been stepping out a lot lately with pecorino. Pecorino’s saltiness is much more assertive and it never gets pushed aside by other flavours. ...
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