Cream and Sugarbuttermilk | Cream and Sugar Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:02:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DIY Crème Fraiche Tue, 23 Aug 2011 10:35:49 +0000

For me, watching the Food Network is like keeping a dictionary near by. I’m the kind of person who loves picking up the Big Book and randomly turning to a page to learn a new word, reconnect with an old one, or discover I have been using a favourite one incorrectly.  The Food Network is the same way for me. There are few things I can manage to watch wholeheartedly, but it’s an easy switch-to station, and I often find myself learning a thing or two. And it’s hands down my favourite channel to watch when at the gym. Gluttony is my favourite motivator.

Years of watching made me interested in ingredients that were often difficult to find or unavailable in my part of Canada. It seemed like I listen to hosts talk for ages about truffles before I even got a taste of truffle oil. Or arugula. Remember when THAT was a new thing? Anyway, I think the first time I heard about crème fraiche was on a Jamie Oliver series, and then quickly it became a staple on American shows and magazines. Only since moving to Vancouver have I seen it in grocery stores.  But I’ve not been super enticed to pay the pretty penny. Yet, it still pops up a lot in recipes, recipes that I want to try. From mains to desserts, and as a substitute for whipping cream, sour cream, yogurt and mayo. If only just to know what it tasted like, my DIY adventure began.

Buttermilk, cream, a Mason Jar and a little time is all you need. Mix and wait. That’s it. Not much of a blog post, huh? No, I agree. But given that you now can save yourself a few dollars, I thought it was a recipe worth sharing. Less tangy than sour cream or yogurt and sufficiently rich given its ingredients. Yes, a worthy substitute for all those mentioned above. So, experiment. Sweeten it up with icing sugar and vanilla and use in place of whipped cream on a pie. Toss with some pasta. Make a chip dip. Search for how Jamie uses it.

I’m sure the waiting time could be adequately filled with Food Network — sorry if all you end up with is Food Network Challenge or Cupcake Wars.

Crème Fraiche

2 cups whipping cream
2 tablespoons buttermilk

Pour ingredients into a clean Mason jar and stir. Place only circle top on jar. Let sit in a warm spot of your kitchen for 12 to 24 hours until thickened. Place in fridge (where it will thicken up a little more) and use within one week.

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