Swedish Meatballs
It seems meatballs are having their moment in the sun. Or should I say in the oven, or on our plates? Much like the fatigued cupcake has proven, you know when New Yorkers start lining up in droves for something, it’s a thing. Big or small. Swedish, Greek, or Italian. Nestled next to a heap...

Clippings: August 18, 2011
The internet is a great source for all things foodie, and we’re constantly bookmarking, starring, and emailing intriguing recipes, food porn, and inspiration. Here’s a selection of clippings we think are worth checking out. A tomato salad sandwich sounds like a perfect solo supper. Although it’s unlikely that my cherry obsession will allow me to...

Burgers Hot Out of the Pan
I am about to tell you something that you may find controversial. Especially in the summer. During BBQ season. I prefer my burgers out of a pan. A heavy cast iron pan. Brushed with a little olive oil. Heated to HOT. Simple organic ground beef pressed into a 3/4 ” patty. Generously seasoned with kosher...
The Universal Pleasure of Noodles
It’s a small world after all when you take a moment to think about how common certain culinary elements are across the globe. The Marco Polo did-he-or-didn’t-he specifics are not very important to me; I just find it interesting to note how perogies are similar to ravioli, the variations on a theme in Central American...
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