Ahhhhhh… gelato. Let me count the ways I love thee. If you’re one of our Edmonton readers, I hope you partake at my go-to spot, Da Capo. And if you’re from Vancouver, Bella Gelateria should be on your list of places to go. I won’t go on again about how much I love the stuff. Just know that I do and can be pretty picky (e.g., if you’re pistachio is anything other than that puke-y colour in the photo above, I’ll know you’re doing it wrong.) I’ve always been a fan of Il Laboratorio del Gelato on the Lower East Side, especially of their more unique flavours like honey lavender or tarragon. But, given that I now have the time to do a little more casual research and move beyond my comfort zone, I thought I would try out the well-received L’Arte del Gelato. LAG’s home base is in the West Village and thus perfectly located if you’re strolling down Bleecker Street or in need of some refreshment after watching a movie at the IFC Center. During my first visit, pictured above, I went with pistachio and rice pudding (budino di riso). Soooo creamy and rich, yet not butterfatty rich like typical hard ice cream. This past weekend, I got a cone with olive oil and banana. Olive oil gelato is seen more and more now, and I highly recommend you trying it if you can. As gelato, you can really appreciate how fruity olive oil is. Anyway. L’Arte del Gelato. My new favourite spot for my favourite frozen treat. Fresh every day (fresco ogni giorno). That’s the ticket.

L’Arte del Gelato
75 7th Avenue, New York
L'Arte Del Gelato on Urbanspoon