Going for the veg at Mile End Sandwich
Eat your vegetables. How many times has that phrase been overused? Both as a voice in your head reminding you to be healthy and as the nagging refrain that so many children try to ignore. Thankfully, I think we’ve reached a point where “our vegetables” are no longer snoozers such as steamed broccoli or...

City Bakery’s Pretzel Croissant
Does more really need to be said beyond “pretzel croissant”? I mean, really. This is ridiculous. French pastry revamped to represent new digs in New York City. Butter, flour, and salt (and some sesame seeds) deftly put together to yield one of the best things you could ever put in your mouth. Usually, I pass...

Lucy Waverman’s Pear Tatin Cake
OMG. It’s been so long since I wrote a blog post that I’ve almost forgotten how to do it. All these buttons and choices and photo sizes that need to be dealt with. No wonder it’s been so long! Well, sorry. Life gets in the way, sometimes. And even with a penchant for quiet evenings...

Apple Hand Pies
Sandy. What a bitch. She really did a number on my part of the world, and two weeks later, the effects are still being felt by many in and around New York City. She was my first hurricane, though, so I’ll never forget her and how my world went topsy-turvy for a week. With requests...

In need of pie: Four and Twenty Blackbirds
It’s been months since I’ve had a slice of pie. Months. For a girl who can eat pie as easily as ice cream, I was in dire straits. My nostalgia for running along the seawall in Vancouver rivalled my nostalgia for heading to Aphrodite’s after dinner for tea and a slice of raspberry rhubarb. Cookies, cupcakes,...

Prosciutto, burrata, and peach sandwich: The time I patted myself on the back
“I am my own worst critic” is my understatement of the century. In my opinion, I can do everything worse than you. I never have a good word to speak of myself, and when one is spoken of me, I usually have a trick up my sleeve for convincing you that you’re wrong. Three-plus decades...

Not gelato: Ample Hills Creamery, Forty Carrots, and Victory Garden
Blah blah blah. Rhianna likes gelato. Blah blah blah. Thick, creamy, and cold is her favourite texture. Blah blah blah. New York offers endless opportunities for such indulgences. Yes, I know you’re probably tired of the frozen creamy treat posts, but get over it. It’s summer. It’s hot everywhere. And if you’re in this city...

No. 7 Sub. Or, when working in close quarters can be a good thing.
Cubicle life is not something you can really avoid anymore. Before I was ever a full-time employee, I thought that the world depicted in The Office, Dilbert, and Office Space was hyperbole of the mundane. Not so much. It really is the most peculiar thing to be surrounded by people you cannot see, but of course, can clearly...
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