from the hands of friends & neighbours

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Posted by cream on December 05, 2010
from the hands of friends & neighbours / 2 Comments

When I started making this famous French sandwich one night and thinking of its inspiration — my friend and former classmate Sarah's blog Edible Witness Buy Valium No Prescription, — I was reminded of a very fond sandwich memory of when I attended school with Sarah in Toronto.  Having just started graduate school, Valium pharmacy, Where can i buy Valium online, budgets and studying meant that socializing on a Saturday night was rare.  Of course that quickly changed, buy Valium from mexico, Order Valium, but in the early days, we took our mountain of reading very seriously, australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal. Order Valium no prescription, So, it goes that I met Sarah and Mike for lunch one Saturday and will never forget three things from that day:  the amazing booth that's Sarah's apartment had, order Valium online c.o.d, Rx free Valium, the introduction to what would become one of my fave T.O. spots, Valium samples, Purchase Valium online, Terroni, and the process of conversation becoming friendship, Valium from canadian pharmacy.

When Sarah posted a recipe for a Croque Monsieur, I knew a solo supper would be raised a few notches with the bechamel-oozing bistro classic, Buy Valium No Prescription. Valium for sale,  There's technique in the making of the roux, but just keep stirring and remember to not let it brown, online buying Valium, Valium over the counter, the nutty aroma of cooked butter and flour (almost like fresh baked shortbread) is a sure sign you're there.

Dining companion:  The Trip

Croque Monsieur
Serves 1, purchase Valium online no prescription. Buy Valium in canada, 1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/2 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1/2 cup hot milk (warmed in the microwave a minute or so)
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
pinch of nutmeg
1 cup grated gruyere cheese
Dijon mustard
4 slices white sandwich bread, crusts removed
6 thin slices of Black Forest ham

Preheat oven to 400 degrees, where can i order Valium without prescription. Where can i find Valium online, Toast bread on a baking sheet for about five minutes and set aside. Buy Valium No Prescription, Melt butter on low heat, then add flour and whisk vigorously to form a roux. Stir constantly for a few minutes until the roux begins to absorb the butter and the flour cooks, where can i buy cheapest Valium online. Buy Valium no prescription,  Add the hot milk, whisking in gradually to avoid lumps, buy cheapest Valium. Buy Valium online no prescription, Heat and stir until sauce thickens (coats back of spoon), then stir in salt, buy generic Valium, Buy Valium without a prescription, pepper and nutmeg. Remove from heat and stir in half the cheese, buy no prescription Valium online. Buy cheap Valium no rx, To assemble sandwiches, spread mustard on one half of sandwich, order Valium from mexican pharmacy, Buy Valium online cod, then top with three slices of ham, some grated cheese and about a tablespoon of the sauce, online buy Valium without a prescription. Valium price, Place other slice of bread on top, then spread with more bechamel and sprinkle with cheese. Repeat.

Bake sandwiches in oven for about five minutes, then broil for a few minutes until tops lightly brown and bubble.

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Buy Modafinil No Prescription

Posted by cream on July 18, 2010
from the hands of friends & neighbours / 2 Comments

Buy Modafinil No Prescription, growing up in the philadelphia area, and having a birthday that falls at the beginning of summer, icebox cake was a favorite dessert in the warmer months, and a frequent request of mine for a birthday cake.

both my mother and father grew up eating this easy to make treat, and thus i imagined that it was a staple in most households. as an adult, Modafinil price, Online buy Modafinil without a prescription, I have found this to be far from the truth. many, buy Modafinil without a prescription, Buy Modafinil online no prescription, if not most of my fellow dessert-lovers have not even heard of this delicacy.

the traditional icebox is made with chocolate wafers and whipped cream. i found more or less traditional instructions here, buy Modafinil no prescription. Purchase Modafinil online no prescription, (though i personally don’t add vanilla to my whipped cream, and certainly would never never include m&m’s.)

my father’s very new england side of the family were purists — simple heavy cream, australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal, Modafinil for sale, whipped and then sandwiched between wafers. my mother’s slightly less traditional clan showed their brash new york ways by following the same traditional recipe as my father’s family…, Buy Modafinil No Prescription. and then smothering the final product with a healthy dose of chocolate sauce.

many a summer’s evening meal has ended with family debatiing the pros & cons of this condimental addition, order Modafinil no prescription. Modafinil pharmacy, personally, i am not a subscriber to the theory that “there’s no such thing as too much chocolate, where can i find Modafinil online, Buy generic Modafinil, ” and will admit to falling on the side of my paternal ancestors on at least this issue. despite having made new york city my home, order Modafinil, Order Modafinil from mexican pharmacy, i retain this vestige of good old w.a.s.p.-y restraint.

today was a perfect day to revisit summer memories with a little easy assembly and looking forward to a delicious dessert after a great bbq dinner…

not finding the traditional nabisco famous chocolate wafers in the grocery store of my decidedly non-w.a.s.p.-y brooklyn neighborhood, i made an interesting discovery… ginger flavored wafer cookies!

i decided to take the plunge, Modafinil from canadian pharmacy, Buy Modafinil online cod, and for the first time in my life, make a non-chocolate icebox cake.

my husband was skeptical, purchase Modafinil online. Where can i buy cheapest Modafinil online, i wouldn’t dream of calling home to let my parents know what i was up to…

but in the end… I believe that i have started a new offshoot in the family icebox cake making tree. Buy Modafinil No Prescription, The ginger and cream combo is perfection, and take an already light dessert to a place that is hard to resist, no matter how many burgers have preceded it.

i don’t keep chocolate sauce in the house, so i can’t say for sure, but i am quite confident that in this case, the addition would be quite welcome. since it wouldn’t be an overdose of chocolate, Modafinil samples, Buy cheap Modafinil no rx, i think the richness would be a great companion to the spiciness of the ginger. next time, buy cheapest Modafinil, Rx free Modafinil, we’ll know for sure.

so, there you go… innovation sometimes trumps tradition, buy no prescription Modafinil online, Buy Modafinil from mexico, and in so doing, may even solve a meal ending family debate.

and it couldn’t be easier… make one yourself, Modafinil over the counter. Buy Modafinil in canada, and let me know if there are any other new flavors on your horizon.

Thanks to our friend Jessica for Cream & Sugar's very first guest blog post.
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