Today’s Special: October 15, 2012
Today’s Special: Caprese sandwich, Sullivan Street Bakery (Chelsea location), New York Forgive me. I forgot about this sandwich. I came across the photo and cursed myself for not posting about it at the height of summer, at the height of tomatoes. I don’t even know if the Sullivan Street Bakery is still making this sandwich...

Prosciutto, burrata, and peach sandwich: The time I patted myself on the back
“I am my own worst critic” is my understatement of the century. In my opinion, I can do everything worse than you. I never have a good word to speak of myself, and when one is spoken of me, I usually have a trick up my sleeve for convincing you that you’re wrong. Three-plus decades...

Not gelato: Ample Hills Creamery, Forty Carrots, and Victory Garden
Blah blah blah. Rhianna likes gelato. Blah blah blah. Thick, creamy, and cold is her favourite texture. Blah blah blah. New York offers endless opportunities for such indulgences. Yes, I know you’re probably tired of the frozen creamy treat posts, but get over it. It’s summer. It’s hot everywhere. And if you’re in this city...

No. 7 Sub. Or, when working in close quarters can be a good thing.
Cubicle life is not something you can really avoid anymore. Before I was ever a full-time employee, I thought that the world depicted in The Office, Dilbert, and Office Space was hyperbole of the mundane. Not so much. It really is the most peculiar thing to be surrounded by people you cannot see, but of course, can clearly...

Today’s Special: June 26, 2012
Today’s Special: Mille crepe cake, Lady M Confections, New York You might have heard about this cake before. It makes many appearances on television, on the Web, and in print as a “best” thing to eat or “must try” in New York, and oh-so-ever rightly so. You cannot dismiss a dessert that’s built on...

Solo in the City: Keste Pizza & Vino
Yes, another category. We likes to keep it interesting here at Cream and Sugar. I probably should have created this category, Solo in the City, years ago to describe my travel dining. But we have other ways to describe our travel dining. So yeah, a new addition to describe a very underrated mode of...

Today’s Special: June 19, 2012
Today’s special: Duck rillettes and egg salad crostini, Colonie, Brooklyn I chose to live in the Carroll Gardens/Cobble Hill area of Brooklyn because it was an area that became familiar and dear to my heart after a number of visits to friends who lived in that ‘hood. The brownstones, the trees, the mix of young...

L’Arte del Gelato
Ahhhhhh… gelato. Let me count the ways I love thee. If you’re one of our Edmonton readers, I hope you partake at my go-to spot, Da Capo. And if you’re from Vancouver, Bella Gelateria should be on your list of places to go. I won’t go on again about how much I love the stuff....

Today’s Special: May 29, 2012
Today’s Special: Spanish mackerel at Num Pang, New York The banh mi is Vietnam’s gift to the sandwich world, but Vietnam is not the only place in that wonderful part of Asia that likes to have fun with two pieces of bread (the French spread themselves around). Cambodia has sandwiches—num pang—made in a similar fashion...

Eataly. Or, why cooking Italian is harder than you think.
I’m suspicious of anyone says that they don’t like to go out for Italian food because they can make such food at home. I’ve had very very good Italian food at home (see: Sugar), but the best has always been when a professional is doing the cooking (see: La Quercia in Vancouver, Corso 32 in...

Big Gay Ice Cream Shop
A place that specializes in extraordinary soft-serve ice cream concoctions? Sign me up. The magic words were “soft serve.” Although “big gay” is pretty enticing as well. I may have acquired some high brow and expensive tastes over the years, but I’ll never forget where I cam from: a home that was walking distance from...

Shake Shack
I made it! After walking by the line snaking through Madison Square Park numerous times while vacationing in New York the past few years, I finally stopped and got myself in the queue at the original Shake Shack location. The line is as legendary as the food. I thought I made a smart move by...
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