Archive for October, 2010

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Buy Reductil No Prescription, If you're not old enough to remember Hanratty's in Edmonton, then you're not old enough to remember Edmonton's golden age of proper English scones.  The lovely lunch spot on Whyte Avenue died in the early 1990s (to then become Sherlock Holmes and now I think some generic Whyte bar) and with it, where can i find Reductil online, Reductil for sale, the delicious tradition of scones with clotted cream — what I had since in Edmonton was always cut with a large amount of whipping cream.  If you've never had Devonshire cream, rx free Reductil, Order Reductil, seek it out.  And don't share.

The scone though, Reductil price, Buy cheap Reductil no rx, has always remained, and bakeries and coffee shops in all directions offer many varieties, where can i buy cheapest Reductil online. Reductil from canadian pharmacy,  Usually too large, too sweet and too iced to be considered a proper English scone worthy of high tea, buy Reductil from mexico.  A scone is more biscuit than pastry, Buy Reductil No Prescription. Reductil pharmacy,  And thus, a perfect vehicle for post-baked sins in the form of clotted cream and jam or butter, buy no prescription Reductil online. Buy generic Reductil,  I understand that biscuits can seem boring on their own.  Without a tea party, purchase Reductil online no prescription, Buy Reductil online cod, traditional scones may be lacking in excitement.  Enter the lemon.

Bon Appetit recently published a recipe for lemon thumbprint scones with raspberry jam, where can i buy Reductil online, Purchase Reductil online, and Mark Bittman recently published a recipe in the New York Times for classic scones. Buy Reductil No Prescription,  I married the two and added my own touch:  substituting lemon marmalade for the raspberry preserves to end up with a Triple Lemon Thumbprint Scone.  The triple being a lemon scone with a lemon wash with a lemon thumbprint, buy cheapest Reductil. Reductil samples,  "A modern twist on a classic" I'd say if I was trying to sell it to you.  "Please pass the butter, order Reductil online c.o.d, Buy Reductil without a prescription, " if you were over for tea.

Triple Lemon Thumbprint Scones
adapted from Bon Appetit and Mark Bittman

Makes about 8 regular or 16 mini scones.

2 cups all-purpose flour, more as needed
0.5 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar, where can i order Reductil without prescription, Buy Reductil online no prescription, more for sprinkling
5 tablespoons cold butter, cut into pieces
1 egg
0.75 cup heavy cream, online buying Reductil, Buy Reductil no prescription, more for brushing
2-3 lemons
lemon marmalade, around 0.5 cup or less (depending on size of your thumb, online buy Reductil without a prescription, Order Reductil no prescription, of course)

Heat your oven to 450 degrees.  Prepare baking sheet with parchment paper

Zest lemons until you have 6 teaspoons worth, buy Reductil in canada.

Sift flour, salt, baking powder and sugar and then mix with hands to combine, Buy Reductil No Prescription. Australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal, Add 4 teaspoons of zest.  Add the butter and mix with hands, order Reductil from mexican pharmacy, Reductil over the counter, pastry blender or in food processor until coarse crumbs form.

Add the egg and cream to form a slightly sticky dough. If it’s too sticky, add a little flour, but very little; it should still stick a little to your hands. Buy Reductil No Prescription, Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead once or twice.  Press it into a 0.75-inch-thick circle and cut into rounds (large or mini). Put the rounds on baking sheet. Gently reshape the leftover dough and cut again.

Make an indentation in the middle of each scone with your thumb and then place about 1 teaspoon of marmalade into depression.  Whisk about two tablespoons of cream with remaining two teaspoons of zest.  Brush the top of each scone with a bit of the cream mixture and sprinkle with a little sugar.

Bake for 9 to 11 minutes until golden, about 7 or 8 for minis.  Because it all comes down to the size, watch carefully rather than go by these times.

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Buy Alprazolam No Prescription

Posted by cream on October 18, 2010
from the hands of cream and sugar... / 4 Comments

I wish I could sexy up this post somehow for you; come up with a charming story about this soup and its origins.

Buy Alprazolam No Prescription, Is there charm in wanting healthy food after a weekend full of pumpkin pie, whipped cream, mashed potatoes, turkey and bottomless glasses of red wine.  Not particularly, buy Alprazolam online cod. Buy cheapest Alprazolam,  It just is.

As a chill has entered the air (so salad just wouldn't cut it), I took to making myself what amounts to a diet soup, Alprazolam from canadian pharmacy. Alprazolam for sale,  Like a diet salad, it's full of high-volume, buy Alprazolam without a prescription, Alprazolam over the counter, low-calorie ingredients that are chock full of vitamins, flavonoids, online buying Alprazolam, Where can i find Alprazolam online, antioxidants and heart-healthy fibre.  See, where can i buy Alprazolam online.  Not sexy, Buy Alprazolam No Prescription. Buy Alprazolam online no prescription,  Delicious, however, order Alprazolam, Buy Alprazolam from mexico, and the perfect thing to eat as you're coming down off your tryptophan high.  And the perfect thing to eat before indulging in another piece of leftover pie, Alprazolam pharmacy. Purchase Alprazolam online,  Okay.  That might be the sexy bit.

Dining companion:  Boardwalk Empire

Tomato, buy Alprazolam no prescription, Online buy Alprazolam without a prescription, red pepper and barley soup

  • 2 teaspoons olive oil

  • 4 shallots, finely chopped

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  • 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper

  • 2 carrots, halved then chopped

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  • 28 oz can of plum tomatoes

  • 2 cups of chicken stock

  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano

  • 0.25 cup hulled barley

  • salt and pepper to taste

Heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Buy Alprazolam No Prescription,  Add shallots, peppers and carrots and sweat down for about 5 minutes.  Add garlic, order Alprazolam no prescription, Where can i order Alprazolam without prescription, oregano and crushed pepper and saute until fragrant.  Add tomatoes (with juice) and break up with the back of a wooden spoon, Alprazolam price. Order Alprazolam online c.o.d,  Add some salt and pepper to taste here.

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Posted by sugar on October 08, 2010
from the hands of cream and sugar... / 2 Comments

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The beauty of food legacies is something I hold close to my heart, order Diazepam from mexican pharmacy. Diazepam for sale, Each time I make a dish that has been a part of my childhood and family tradition, I put a little extra love into it, Diazepam price. I fondly remember the feeling of sitting at my Grandmother's big dining room table at the little house in Beverly, watching her make Sunday morning pancakes for a dozen people, flitting about taking care of every one's needs, hand making dozens of pyrogies and tiny cabbage rolls with hands raw from the acid of the sour cabbage, and never actually sitting down to enjoy her beautiful creations until everyone had been fed, Buy Diazepam No Prescription. Diazepam over the counter, My Grandmother has always expressed her love for her family with beautiful food. Hungry or not, where can i find Diazepam online, Buy generic Diazepam, she would open a jar of her homemade borscht the minute I arrived so she could feed me. Made fresh from the bounty of her garden, purchase Diazepam online, Diazepam pharmacy, she fed more than my hunger. Years of watching my mother carrying on that tradition by making my Grandmother's recipe for borscht, buy Diazepam in canada, Where can i buy cheapest Diazepam online, and learning myself how to execute her delicious variety of that hot pink goodness, I feel like I am carrying on a part of my family legacy every time I whip up a batch, order Diazepam online c.o.d. Buy Diazepam No Prescription, So with harvest celebrations upon us, and much gratitude for my little bundle of girlie delight and all of the beautiful women in my family that have taken the time to pass on their love through cooking, what better time to share a delicious and very "pink" way to bring the fall harvest together into one delicious dish!. Order Diazepam, Now to try and write down a recipe that never finds itself on paper, but in true family recipe tradition, buy Diazepam no prescription, Rx free Diazepam, is born from a little of this and a little of that...

Borscht...according to "Sugar"

3 tbsp butter
5 beets, buy Diazepam without a prescription, Purchase Diazepam online no prescription, cut into chunky matchstick sized pieces
1 onion, diced
2 shallots, buy no prescription Diazepam online, Online buying Diazepam, finely diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
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5 baby garden potatoes, quartered and chopped
1 cup of garden peas in the pod, buy Diazepam online no prescription, Online buy Diazepam without a prescription, sliced into 1/2 inch pieces (or you can use frozen peas if needed)
1 cup of string beans, sliced into 1/2 inch pieces
juice of 3 lemons
1 tsp dry dill
2 tbsp fresh dill, order Diazepam no prescription, finely chopped
1L of vegetable stock
2 cups of water
1 cup of heavy cream
1 tbsp kosher salt
freshly ground pepper to taste
sour cream, to serve

In a large dutch oven (I use my Le Creuset for this dish) or soup pot, melt butter and saute onions, shallots, and garlic until soft (2-3 minutes). Add beets, carrots, and potatoes, and saute until they begin to soften (10-12 minutes) stirring regularly. Add more butter if necessary to keep vegetables moist. Add peas and beans, and saute an additional few minutes, Buy Diazepam No Prescription. Next add lemon juice, kosher salt, pepper, vegetable stock, water, and dry dill. Bring to a gentle boil and reduce heat to medium to slowly simmer. Simmer for 20-30 minutes until vegetables are at the desired tenderness. Lastly, add cream and fresh dill. Stir well and serve with a dollop of sour cream.


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I've always leaned toward the whipped shortbread Buy Ativan No Prescription, side of the fence. Buy Ativan from mexico,  For nostalgia, for looks and for texture, order Ativan from mexican pharmacy. Purchase Ativan online no prescription,  But when I came across this post for rosemary shortbread, I immediately had a pre-Christmas itch to bake, buy Ativan in canada. Buy Ativan online no prescription,  Why.  The mention of salt, buy cheapest Ativan.  Yes, I'm still attracted to the sweet-salty trend, Buy Ativan No Prescription. Buy Ativan online cod,  I'm beginning to think it might be a permanent thing, or rather, australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal, Order Ativan, that it's been longstanding with me.  I remember in the mid-80s when Abercrombie & Fitch had a store in West Edmonton Mall and was still the purveyor of prep luxury, Ativan from canadian pharmacy. Ativan samples,  Their tins of chocolate-covered pretzels would puzzle little me:  sweet AND salty.  One Christmas I got a taste and it seems I didn't let go, Ativan price. Buy Ativan No Prescription,  Only now am I fully articulating my attraction in the kitchen. Online buy Ativan without a prescription, I went in search of Melissa Clark's original recipe and was excited to read all of her variations.  Rosemary was enticing, order Ativan online c.o.d, Buy no prescription Ativan online, but as the pan would be for workmates, I decided to play it a little safer, buy generic Ativan. Where can i order Ativan without prescription,  With Thanksgiving on our doorstep and pumpkin pie on my mind... you get the picture, rx free Ativan.

A breeze to cut when warm and enough butter that parchment is not necessary, these little squares were bites of pure shortbread heaven, Buy Ativan No Prescription. Online buying Ativan,  The basic simplicity of sugar, flour and butter means they melt in your mouth upon contact, Ativan for sale. Order Ativan no prescription,  The salt means you want to pop them in your mouth like you're eating a bag of potato chips.  And the spices, buy Ativan no prescription. Where can i find Ativan online,  Well, they remind you that a meal of gluttony is nearing, where can i buy cheapest Ativan online. Buy Ativan No Prescription,  A meal that usually ends with a similarly spiced pie. Ativan over the counter,  Indeed.  So why did I just eat 7 shortbread cookies?, buy Ativan without a prescription. Where can i buy Ativan online,

Spiced Shortbread
adapted from Melissa Clark

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon plus 1 pinch kosher salt
1 cup unsalted cold butter, cut into 1-inch chunks

Heat oven to 325 degrees, buy cheap Ativan no rx. Ativan pharmacy, With your hands, mix together flour, purchase Ativan online, butter, sugar, spices and salt.  Work butter in quickly until fine crumbs form, Buy Ativan No Prescription.  This will not form a smooth dough.  Once the crumbs start to come together, press dough into an ungreased 8- or 9-inch-square baking pan or 9-inch pie pan. Prick dough all over with a fork. Bake until golden brown, 35 to 40 minutes for 9-inch pan, 45 to 50 minutes for 8-inch. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Cut into squares, bars or wedges while still warm.

The dough can also be made in a food processor.

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