Archive for May, 2010

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Posted by cream on May 30, 2010
from the hands of cream and sugar... / 1 Comment

The green of Vancouver is Buy Viagra No Prescription, lovely.  When I moved here, I knew I would have trouble with the grey.  I never imagined, however, how helpful a view of green grass could be in the middle of January, or how awesome such lushness smelled—even through the nasal steroids required for allergies—during the height of spring.  I also never imagined the green would get to my thumbs. Purchase Viagra online no prescription, Although averse to both dirt and responsibility,  my first apartment patio deserved some foliage, Viagra samples, Buy cheapest Viagra, especially in this climate.  Two pots, one in either corner, Viagra over the counter, Where can i find Viagra online, now hold a perennial and some herbs.

Noting to my helper at the garden centre that I wanted low-maintenance plants, buy Viagra from mexico, Buy Viagra without a prescription, we settled on sage, lemon thyme, purchase Viagra online, Where can i buy Viagra online, rosemary, Vietnamese coriander, order Viagra online c.o.d, Online buy Viagra without a prescription, cilantro and Italian parsley.  Mint would need a pot of its own, and it was still too early for basil to be outside.  Certain my lack of gardening skills would quickly kill what was in this first pot, Viagra price, Where can i order Viagra without prescription, I decided to hold off on the basil and mint.
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It was only after I started making this dish that I realized I referenced Simon and Garfunkel.  And it's only right now that I realize that the greenspeak, buy Viagra no prescription, Order Viagra no prescription, herbs and musical reference suggest I'm turning into a hippie Vancouverite.
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Scarborough Fair Pasta

Your basic aglio e olio with chopped sage, Viagra for sale, Online buying Viagra, rosemary, parsley and thyme added at the end (instead of only parsley).  I also added some frozen peas to the pasta during the final minute or so of cooking, buy cheap Viagra no rx. Australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal. Order Viagra from mexican pharmacy. Buy Viagra online no prescription. Where can i buy cheapest Viagra online. Buy generic Viagra. Viagra from canadian pharmacy.

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Buy Female Viagra No Prescription, When the weather turns warm, my palate shifts from rich cold weather offerings to fresh light goodness. This year we happily rounded out the cold season with a comfort food potluck for one last hoorah...savory meatballs with pine nuts and raisins in a red wine tomato sauce, Female Viagra samples, Buy Female Viagra no prescription, perfectly baked mac and cheese, spinach salad with a warm bacon vinaigrette and blue cheese, buy generic Female Viagra, Buy no prescription Female Viagra online, freshly made minestrone with garlic crisps, soft sauteed zucchini with mozzarella, order Female Viagra, Buy Female Viagra online cod, and of course, chocolate bread pudding for dessert, australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal. Buy cheap Female Viagra no rx, Of course this event ended up being perfectly timed for the first properly hot day of the year and the nine of us, cozily squeezed around my small dining room table, order Female Viagra online c.o.d, Female Viagra price, were reminded why we don't eat these delicious riches when the season turns to hot. The post dinner food coma was inevitable and the heat accelerated its effect, purchase Female Viagra online. Buy Female Viagra in canada, Totally worth it...

With a proper farewell to the days of cold weather eating, we christened the grill shortly thereafter with a new recipe from Bill's Open Kitchen, by Australian superstar chef Bill Granger, Buy Female Viagra No Prescription. I've waxed on before about my love for all things Bill, buy Female Viagra without a prescription, Female Viagra pharmacy, and his recipes continue to find their way into my regular kitchen rotation. Simple, where can i buy Female Viagra online. Buy Female Viagra from mexico, Fresh. Delicious, purchase Female Viagra online no prescription.

Buy Female Viagra No Prescription, The warm weather menu: Bill's Marinated Coriander Chicken with Cucumber Relish served with my own Mango and Herb Salad. Order Female Viagra no prescription, This simple grilled chicken scented with fresh cilantro, peppercorns, rx free Female Viagra, Order Female Viagra from mexican pharmacy, citrus, and the sweetness of the grill, Female Viagra from canadian pharmacy, Where can i buy cheapest Female Viagra online, pairs perfectly with his Asian inspired cucumber, shallot, Female Viagra for sale, Where can i find Female Viagra online, and chili relish that is tangy with a hint of sweetness. The fresh addition of my ripe mango salad with herbs and a light acidic dressing made for a lovely combination that I will certainly visit again and again, online buy Female Viagra without a prescription. Buy Female Viagra online no prescription, Bill's Marinated Coriander Chicken with Cucumber Relish

Mango Herb Salad

For the salad:
2 ripe mangoes cut into bite size pieces (the organic ones from Planet Organic are amazing!)
1 head of fresh butter lettuce washed and torn
2 green onions sliced
handful of chopped fresh cilantro
tbsp of chopped fresh dill
1/4 cup of sliced cucumber
1 avocado sliced

For the vinaigrette whisk together:
4 tbsp good quality olive oil
1 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1 tsp honey
1 finely diced shallot
freshly ground pepper to taste

Combine all of the salad ingredients in a big pretty bowl and toss lightly with vinaigrette just before serving. Happy sunshine days, online buying Female Viagra. Where can i order Female Viagra without prescription. Buy cheapest Female Viagra. Female Viagra over the counter.

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Buy Cialis No Prescription

Posted by cream on May 11, 2010
from the apron of... / 5 Comments

Buy Cialis No Prescription, I do not question the three.  It could be two. Buy generic Cialis, Even one.  But, whatever, buy Cialis without a prescription. Buy Cialis in canada, I also do not question its origins.  Just like Southern banana pudding was not created by Jell-O, I won't believe completely that tres leches (three milk) cake was developed by the likes of Nestlé.., online buying Cialis. Buy Cialis online no prescription, even when considering the number of cans used in this recipe.

[caption id="attachment_1126" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Post-baking, Cialis pharmacy, Cialis samples, post-poking, pre-milk"][/caption]

My first taste of the mysterious three milk (WHY THREE?!) cake was at El Rancho in Edmonton.  In their early days, Cialis over the counter, Buy Cialis online cod, the dessert menu usually only consisted of flan and tres leches.  Both coming dressed with a small swirl of canned whipped cream and a maraschino.  Having had one burnt syrup flans too many in my Central American restaurant journeys had me lean to tres leches one night.  Like, but not love.  I'm not a cake girl, order Cialis from mexican pharmacy, Order Cialis no prescription, so my attachment was very tentative.  But the bread pudding/custard-like texture made me return to it now and again.

[caption id="attachment_1127" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Post-milk, pre-soak"][/caption]

For a casual dinner party chez moi, I needed to think of a casual Mexican dessert to accompany my quesadillas and tortilla soup.  Nothing says casual like cans, right, Buy Cialis No Prescription.
My aversion to cake made me nervous as I started baking.  The toothpick test is sound, where can i buy cheapest Cialis online, Cialis price, but I still always get thrown off by the browning.  What came out of the oven was a lovely sponge.  Extra golden from those crazy eggs.    As I soaked the sponge with the milks, I anticipated some magic.  The eggy aroma of the cake surely meant custard action would ensue overnight as it married with the milks.  Please, purchase Cialis online, Buy Cialis from mexico, oh please.  That would move like to love.

Now I know that seems like an extraordinarily large dollop, rx free Cialis, Online buy Cialis without a prescription, but they don't call me Cream for nothing.  As you can see, the cake indeed is a sponge.  With every depression of your fork tines, where can i find Cialis online, Order Cialis, there is some weeping that reminds you of its namesake, but no giant pool.  My soup was pretty tasty, purchase Cialis online no prescription, Where can i order Cialis without prescription, but this was the star of the meal.  As a dessert in the style of other soaked cakes like trifle or tiramisu, you often go back digging with a spoon for just one more bite.

Or piece.  Which I did shortly after my guests left, order Cialis online c.o.d. Where can i buy Cialis online, If I hadn't given them some to take home, it definitely would have been a tres tres leches night, buy Cialis no prescription. Australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal, Wuh-wuh.

Tres Leches Cake
adapted from Martha Stewart's Everyday Food

Serves 6

Unsalted butter, room temperature, buy cheapest Cialis, Buy no prescription Cialis online, for baking dish
3 large eggs, separated
0.5 cup sugar
0.5 cup all-purpose flour, Cialis for sale, Buy cheap Cialis no rx, sifted
0.5 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
0.5 can(12 ounces) evaporated milk
0.5 cup whole milk
0.75 cup heavy cream
0.5 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
0.5 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Buy Cialis No Prescription, Butter a 8-by-8-inch glass baking dish. In a mixing bowl, Cialis from canadian pharmacy, beat egg yolks and sugar on high speed until light and fluffy. In another bowl, beat egg whites to soft peaks. Using a rubber spatula, fold whites into yolks until almost combined. Gently fold in flour (do not overmix).
Spread batter in prepared dish, Buy Cialis No Prescription. Bake until golden and pulling away from sides of dish, 20 to 25 minutes. Poke many, many holes in cake with a toothpick. Cool cake 20 minutes.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the three milks; pour evenly over cake. Cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate overnight.
To serve, prepare topping: In a mixing bowl, whip heavy cream with sugar and vanilla to soft peaks. Chill cake and cut into squares; serve topped with whipped cream.

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Buy Levitra No Prescription

Posted by cream on May 03, 2010
from the hands of cream and sugar... / 4 Comments

Buy Levitra No Prescription, The anxiety that sets in on Sunday nights is a relic of grade school.  The call to the return of an early bedtime that once was "sit, Ubu, sit" is now the end credits song of one of many delicious HBO dramas.  It would be easy to continue free-for-all weekend eating with something rich to smother the anxiety, but I always lean toward healthy as Monday approaches.  In this case,  pretty pink spring salmon called out to me.  I had intended to make a light sauce with stock, but there was none to be found in the pantry when I came home from grocery shopping.  A (quickly opened) bottle of white wine was a worthy substitute and an accompanying glass became the something that reminded me that Monday morning pop quizzes are no longer a concern.

Dining companion:  Treme

Salmon:  Preheat broiler.  Cover the fish with a paste made from minced garlic and ginger, salt, pepper, a little sesame oil and a little Sriracha.  It will take about 10 minutes to cook.

Soba:  Cook until al dente in boiling, salted water.  Add cut broccoli pieces during the last minute of cooking.

Sauce:  Saute chopped garlic and minced ginger in a few teaspoons of sesame oil over medium heat (higher heat/quicker cooking if you're doing a proper stir fry).  Do not brown. Add chopped shallots and sliced bell pepper.  Saute a few more minutes until noodles are ready.  Deglaze pan with white wine and reduce.  Toss with noodles and broccoli.  Add salmon.

Toast the weekend.

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