Archive for October, 2009

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Posted by cream on October 31, 2009
from the hands of cream and sugar... / 2 Comments

Buy Strattera No Prescription, It took me almost two months to turn my oven on. Online buy Strattera without a prescription, After the upheaval of a move, a new city, order Strattera no prescription, Australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal, and a new job, I've found little energy to do much beyond cereal and toasted bagels for myself at home, Strattera price. Strattera pharmacy, For a few weeks I've thought about turning that little dial and crossing fingers for proper calibration. In preparation, order Strattera, Buy Strattera in canada, I have slowly been building up my kitchen arsenal.
Perhaps the death knell of the weekend finally roused me, buy Strattera online no prescription. Because it was a Sunday night of all times that I decided to take the plunge and bake, Buy Strattera No Prescription. Rx free Strattera, Cookies.

Quick to drum up and certainly not complicated-how come cookie recipes are never listed under "One Dish Dinners"?-these peanut butter and chocolate chip gems have all the cookie attributes I prefer: soft, buy cheapest Strattera, Where can i buy Strattera online, not too sweet, and guaranteed to please workmates the next day when they're left in the office kitchen, purchase Strattera online no prescription. Buy cheap Strattera no rx, That is, it's one thing if I like my own cookies, Strattera over the counter, Where can i find Strattera online, but if others do as well, I'm a very happy girl, online buying Strattera. Buy Strattera no prescription, I'm sure I have said that before. Buy Strattera No Prescription, Did I mention that they are also topped with fleur de sel.

You're not something these days if you haven't been topped with fleur de sel, order Strattera from mexican pharmacy. Buy no prescription Strattera online, First we welcomed fat back into our lives, then salt, buy Strattera online cod. Purchase Strattera online, Thank god.


Whenever I think of food trends, Strattera for sale, Where can i buy cheapest Strattera online, I think of that line in When Harry Met Sally when Jess says that he wrote about how pesto is the quiche of the 80s. Is fleur de sel the quiche of 2008 or 2009, Buy Strattera No Prescription. Truffle oil had to be the year before that, order Strattera online c.o.d, Buy Strattera without a prescription, no.


Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies with Fleur de Sel

The recipe is from Whole Foods, buy generic Strattera. Strattera samples, This was the second time that I've made them and I made one tweak: milk chocolate chips instead of dark.
I also think it's important to use a natural peanut butter (simply peanuts and salt, where can i order Strattera without prescription, Buy Strattera from mexico, such as the Adam's brand). I always have chunky on hand, Strattera from canadian pharmacy.

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Buy Iressa No Prescription

Posted by cream on October 18, 2009
from the kitchens of..., from the travels of... / 2 Comments

Buy Iressa No Prescription, The beauty of a big city is choice.  Especially a big American city.  When it comes to food and restaurant choices, New York is very comfortable assuming a Top Dog place. Rx free Iressa, Having been there a few times now, I must admit that New York is less of a foodie heaven for me now.  Not because there isn’t good food, order Iressa, Where can i order Iressa without prescription, but because you know it’s everywhere.  So, it’s simply about making a choice.  I tend to get more excited searching and trying to separate the wheat from the chaff—that’s the Edmontonian in me, buy cheapest Iressa, Order Iressa no prescription, I think.  And because visiting there for me is now more about spending time with good friends and feeding off New York’s unrelenting energy, I’m less concerned with my choices.  With so many, online buying Iressa, Iressa samples, you make good, you make bad, buy no prescription Iressa online, Order Iressa from mexican pharmacy, but in the end, you’re always in a city that is a feast for the eyes, purchase Iressa online no prescription. Where can i buy Iressa online, This visit, some previous favourites solidified their status in my life more because of nostalgia than for what was served.  Some new tries were fun, Iressa pharmacy, Buy Iressa online cod, but not necessarily requiring a return or recommend.  I’ll make a giant leap to say that perhaps it’s a sign of the economic times that the best tastes of the week were the comforting ones that came from Dumont in Williamsburg; pear and parsnip soup, a burger and fries, purchase Iressa online, Iressa from canadian pharmacy, and an amazing mac ‘n’ cheese warmed some souls on a lovely fall evening.

The seeking out of specific spots happened more often during the day when I was wandering alone.  And this seeking out was about two things:  sandwiches and ice cream.  I’ve been craving these a lot lately (or always) and being in New York meant that I could easily find some delicious options.  I find great pleasure in a good sandwich.  Nice bread, buy Iressa from mexico, Buy generic Iressa, fresh fillings, the right amount of chew, where can i find Iressa online, Online buy Iressa without a prescription, two-fisted without being insurmountable.  It’s surprising to me how hard getting these attributes can be at times.  Not in New York, however, buy cheap Iressa no rx. Australia, uk, us, usa, canada, mexico, india, craiglist, ebay, paypal, In addition to Bread and Snack for some yummy sandwiches, I made a trip to the Hampton Chutney Co. in Soho for what essentially is a South Indian sandwich:  the dosa.  Since being introduced to Hampton Chutney a few years ago, buy Iressa in canada, Where can i buy cheapest Iressa online, it’s become a place I must make my way to when in New York.  Although nowhere near authentic in terms of fillings, the crepes themselves are as crispy and chewy as they should be and the accompanying chutneys always fresh, buy Iressa no prescription.

[caption id="attachment_699" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Fontina & grilled veg at Bread"]Fontina & grilled veg at Bread[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_701" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Seasonal dosa with mint and pumpkin chutneys"]Seasonal dosa with mint and pumpkin chutneys[/caption]

I have no problem admitting that I’m a big fan of Tasti-D-Lite.  I never say no to soft-serve treats and because I grew up in the 80s around all things sugar-free, my palate is completely immune to chemical aftertastes.  That being said, I had none this journey because I had my sights set on more exciting options, Buy Iressa No Prescription. Order Iressa online c.o.d, At the Shake Shack in Madison Square Park, I had my first try of frozen custard.  It’s correctly described as the meeting of soft serve and hard ice cream:  the give of hard ice cream with the texture of soft serve.  I loved my cone of that day’s flavour, buy Iressa without a prescription, Buy Iressa online no prescription, salted caramel.


Another soft-serve adventure was to Milk Bar, Iressa over the counter, Iressa price, of the Momofuku clan.  Essentially the clan’s dessert outpost, the Milk Bar has quite a following for its cakes and pies, Iressa for sale, delicious cookies (the Compost variety I tried were crazy good), and inventive soft-serve flavours.  On offer were sweet and salty cucumber, watermelon, horchata, and cereal milk—and guessing what flavour of cereal it is that day is part of the fun.  I sampled what I’m sure was Corn Pops.  I think my afternoon treat of horchata soft serve was one of the highlights of my trip.  Especially as it complemented my walk around the East Village on a warm, fall day.


Gelato is a form of frozen milk I can never say no to.  So, knowing that I would be on the Upper West Side one afternoon, I made my way to Grom, a chain from Italy.  Creamier than most gelato I’ve tried, I was happy with my cone of vanilla and seasonal cinnamon.


After a turn at the Atlantic Antic, I got my first scoops of gelato from my most favourite gelateria—Il Laboratorio del Gelato—at One Girl in Brooklyn.  Ricotta and caramel.  Later that week, I celebrated/bemoaned my last day in New York by heading to their Lower East Side shop to partake in fresh mint, rum raisin, and malt.  There is never enough.


And there is never enough time in New York.


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Buy Soma No Prescription

Posted by sugar on October 10, 2009
from the kitchens of..., from the travels of... / 4 Comments

Buy soma no prescription, Fresh from a New York holiday of gastronomical delights, I find myself in food heaven withdrawal. Buy soma no prescription, After a week of the best of everything, where striking two items off of  "Anthony's Bourdains Top Thirteen Things to Eat Before You Die" in a matter of one afternoon, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, between bagel and lox at Russ and Daughter's and a pastrami sandwich at Katz's Deli was a breeze, it's not easy coming home, buy soma no prescription. Buy soma no prescription, With some remnants of culinary NYC delights that happily fit in a suitcase such as Jacques Torres hot chocolate, and the object of my chocolate obsession, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, Michael Recchiuti delivered to our NYC hotel from San Francisco, the transition was made easier, buy soma no prescription. Buy soma no prescription, ( I couldn't resist taking advantage of the US only shipping opportunity to enjoy what I believe to be the BEST chocolate in the world. I do not make this statement lightly, buy soma no prescription. Between the rose caramel, fleur de sel caramel, varietals, fruit jellies, and the many other offerings in the burgundy box, I am so far ruined for all other chocolate, buy soma no prescription. Buy soma no prescription, Period.)

Now don't get me wrong, here in Edmonton we have some delightful culinary spots that I am fiercely loyal to (Tree Stone Bakery, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, Cafe Leva, Culina, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, Viphalay, The Red Ox Inn, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, Acajutla to name a few), but we certainly have had some gaping holes and can't expect to find the same variety that a populated city like New York can offer (like a counter service shop that has dedicated itself to turning out perfect porchetta sandwiches, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, cleverly called Porchetta). That is why I could not be more delighted to have intersected with friends on the same mission for sweets, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, and to have enjoyed a chilly October Saturday afternoon right here at home in the newly opened Duchess Bake Shop on 124th Street in Edmonton.


After treats at NYC's Balthazar Bakery and the post-Paris constant craving for Pierre Hermé macarons, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, I am in a constant state of lusting after proper French sugar delights, and I am rejoicing in the fact that they have finally arrived in grand form in Edmonton, buy soma no prescription. Buy soma no prescription, Duchess Bake Shop is a simple and elegantly decorated space with high gilded ceilings, a shabby chic chandelier, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, clean white lines,  and a well appointed pastry case that highlights their beautifully executed creme tarts, buy soma no prescription, Buy soma no prescription, croissants (almond croissants and pain au chocolat which they were sadly sold out of....I will be back to sample the almond paste filled double baked almond croissants with a secret wish that they will be as delicious as their counterparts at Thomas Haas in Vancouver), duchess signature petit gateaus, buy soma no prescription, madeleines, florentines, and of course, macarons.

img_7181 Buy soma no prescription, With anticipatory glee, we ordered a plate of macarons in all four of the remaining flavours of the day: chocolate, strawberry, pistachio, and lemon. With word that they had sold out of the lavender and salted caramel, and with a rose flavour in the works, I knew I would be back soon for more. For those who have not had the pleasure of enjoying a macaron before, do not confuse these with the sugary coconut and chocolate bonbon that we call a macaroon here in North America. Wikipedia describes the macaron as "dating back to the 18th century, macarons are a traditional French pastry, made of egg whites, almond powder, icing sugar,  and sugar. This sweet pastry came out of the French courts' baker's oven as round meringue-like domes with a flat base. Macarons are sandwich-like pastries made with two thin cookies and a cream or ganache between the cookies."


The crisp, chewy, soft goodness of these well executed macarons, combined with the excellent ganache fillings that are not too sweet, and are naturally flavoured, was just the post-holiday medicine this girl needed, buy soma no prescription. Add to that excellent cafe au laits and a nice selection of black teas, and Duchess Bake Shop gets two sugar coated thumbs up. Exquisite French Pastry Shop. Check. Now if only someone would open a good Jewish deli......

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