Comments on: Sweet and Salty Pajama Sundays /frenchtoastpanckes/ Tue, 03 Mar 2015 22:14:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solo Suppers Beyond Cereal: Cherry-vanilla pancakes with lemon butter | cream and sugar /frenchtoastpanckes/comment-page-1/#comment-572 Fri, 16 Jul 2010 04:55:49 +0000 /?p=233#comment-572 [...] with some lemon zest to balance the sweetness of the cherries.  A two bowl pancake batter (try Sugar’s excellent three-bowl batter if you have a few more minutes), a hot pan and some good TV, and I had a lovely, seasonal solo [...]

By: Blake /frenchtoastpanckes/comment-page-1/#comment-174 Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:04:28 +0000 /?p=233#comment-174 Pancakes,
My method is simliar but I use melted butter not oil, I add vanilla and wheat germ to create some structure.
The trick is also to recall that pancakes are in the quick-bread family and do not like to be over-mixed and appreciate a rest to boot, so, in an ideal world the batter to the point of the egg whites would be made and allowed to rest for an hour before adding the whites yielding a more tender end product.
